Where is My Voodoo?


Nevertheless,i have tried using some visual to make the entire procedure...

hmmm..what can i say...more enticing...

but i can't....

you know why....

cause i ain't got the time..

simply put...let voodoo magic speak for itself..

okie ..okie...

what kind of a webmaster am i....

the kind that gives you crap..


the kind that stuffs bullshit down yer throat

and food up in yer ass...

i dun think so...

why am i sayin all this and wasting yer time..

cause yer in my webpage..

bear wiv it..

i am tryin to make things...

in a sense..easier i say..

simply thy links below takes you to different dimensions of no return...

cause they don't have a back button...

use yer browser's..if u know whats a browser that is..

its painstaking ain't it..

so i feel like setting up a voodoo forum...

where you can jizz me and even damn me...

its basically for front-end support..

for all voodoo relayted purposes..

i think theres a spelling error up there huh..

nah i did that purposely...

so currently being the only voodoo cult freak working on my drivers..

hey it ain't what u think..

the voodoo drivers..

thats more like it...

i need some cultist in this constitution...

in able to bring abt a foundation..

in the development of a better future ..

for all voodoo cultist..

ayeeee..that jus bang yer balls didn't that...

mine jus exploded..

okie back to the story...

simply said...

i need more manpower or cultists..if thatmakes u feel good..

to build up a forum..

u know..i don't wanna be the only one in there...

talkin to myself..using diff nicks...

thats sick..

and i ain't sick..

so go ahead and have thy drivers..

if yer a hardcore voodoo fanatic..

then i might find some usefullness in u..

webmasters from other dimension..

if u think we can work together to build up a community..

i'll double that...

so dun hesistate..

killll meeeee..

er..i mean..

mailll meeee...


Special Edition IV


Thy Forum